The purpose of this report is to
explain the total cost of the training process, the number of the new staff
besides an important action in the last three years in the PDQ Company likewise
check all the important points about the indian contract and next for that suggest
modification in the way you work.
I would suggest have a good relationship inside of
the company. Arrange a meeting with all of them besides have a brainstorm and
then check the skills of the new employees for prepare their roles. Another
point is train the employees very well for increase the economy of the company.
As we can see two years ago the
Company acquired forty new employees
because of the training and the cost of all of them was exactly two hundred
thousands dollars. In the last year the new job entries decreased dramatically
although there was only seven new staff accordingly the total spend in that
year was one hundred thousand nevertheless in this year the Company had a big
deal with India however the Company does not have the knowledge of the number
of employees but the cost is three hundred thousands.